Saturday, November 28, 2020

The picaros with the cigars of the Pharoah in the blue lotus.

While talking to my sis after a heavy Saturday lunch,  the topic somehow shifted to comics (Archie, Tinkle,  Tintin, etc...) we used to read when we were kids, and where they are right now - probably tucked in some old box in our dad and mom's house. This brings me to the Tintin & Asterix collection I cherished and read and re-read so many times. Though there were only 24 books (Tintin), they were absolutely brilliant and it brings back such fond memories of my mom's school library and then ELS, and finally home! 
Infact, my phone wallpaper is now set to 'The crab with the golden claws' and I am off to find and read one online atleast - Though nothing comes close to the big print individual books. 
It will be an afternoon well spent :)


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