Two movies and a Dinner...
...would be better titled 'Good Popcorn and nice music' if you want to mention the good things alone! We wanted to go for 'some' movie and had our choices and since none us were strong with our sales pitch, the longest straw pointed to 'Battle: Los Angeles' - which in my opinion is a really weird name for a movie. For all I know, it could have been called 'The Attack of the metal space monsters' or 'Go down Pico blvd and take the exit' and it would have had the same effect at the box office. Well...I should not complain much because I literally walked into it - but the funny part was, when we walked the feeling was mutual. Anyway, the movie?in a nutshell? - Aliens land in L.A, Marines fight Aliens,Marines win and cheer with dramatic background music. Now you've seen it as well! If you had a good bag of popcorn, you might want to sit through it as well.
Moving on to...'The Eagle'. I have read great titles with Eagles in them but sadly this was not one of them. At least it had a story line and followed it meticulously but Channing Tatum still has to learn a bit on acting...specifically acting. Expressions, my dear boy, expressions do matter. Fair enough, The Eagle got our vote (remember the straws) over 'Black Swan' and 'The King's Speech' so it had high standards to live up to. It might not have been too bad a movie if the theatre had been slightly warm...and that could be due to the lack of people in it as fact we almost had the whole theater to ourselves! Anyhow, two weekends were done.
Now for the best part (of course, any best part with me has to involve food!). Sandwiched between the weekends was a dinner worth remembering for all the wrong reasons. A five star hotel, you must be thinking it can't be thaaaat bad, well think again. The spread looked huge but on closer inspection showed nothing out of the ordinary, and more so looked very tame. The starters...not too bad, the main course was absolutely ridiculous with normal food made to look extra-ordinary and taste even worse. And the less we talk about the almost-no-variety dessert, the better. The positive part about the dinner was the music - the live two member band was GOOD and we certainly enjoyed it more than the food! that was Two movies and a Dinner.